Daar is verskeie sosiale aktiwiteite wat gedurende die jaar by die skool plaasvind. Hierdie aktiwiteite is as volg:
- Sokkies – een keer ʼn kwartaal
- Dinee – aan die einde van die jaar
- Valentynsbal
- Matriekafskeid
- “Minute to win it” – speletjies
- Vasvrakompetisies
- “Patrys Race”
- Geesweek
- VRL-kampe
- Groentjiekonsert
- Graad 8-dag
- Leeskompetisies
- Brugbou-kompetisies
There are various social activities that take place at the school during the year. These activities are the following:
- School dance – once a quarter
- Formal dinner – at the end of the year
- Valentine’s Ball
- Matric farewell
- “Minute to win it” – games
- Quiz competitions
- “Patrys Race”
- Fun week
- RCL camp
- Grade 8 Concert
- Grade 8 Day
- Reading competition
- Bridge-building competition