Visie & Missie/Vision & Mission
Hoërskool Parys streef daarna om kwaliteit onderwys en opvoeding aan elke leerling te verskaf sodat elkeen sy volle potensiaal kan bereik.
By Hoërskool Parys verbind ons onsself om:
- uitnemende onderrig te voorsien d.m.v. ‘n goed gekwalifiseerde onderwyserkorps ten einde leerlinge akademies te bemagtig.
- ‘n verskeidenheid sportsoorte en kultuuraktiwiteite mededingend aan te bied.
- menslike potensiaal voortdurend te ontwikkel en om alle hulpbronne doelmatig aan te wend.
- die leerlinge in hul totaliteit te laat groei en ontwikkel tot verantwoordelike volwassewording.
By Hoërskool Parys wil ons ons Christelike geloof en beginsels uitleef, maar ons respekteer ook ander godsdienstige groepe. Ons streef na positiewe en opbouende verandering.
Ek beloof:
- om ‘n lojale, pligsgetroue leerling van die Hoërskool Parys te wees.
- om altyd my onderwysers en meerderes te respekteer.
- om my te onderwerp aan die reëls van die skool.
- om altyd binne en buite die skool ‘n goeie ambassadeur vir my skool te wees.
- om nooit deur my gedrag die naam van my skool oneer aan te doen nie.
- om altyd my skool se leuse: “aan elkeen wat hom toekom” uit te leef.
To provide quality education and nurturing to every learner in order to develop the full potential of each one.
At Parys High School we commit ourselves to:
- Provide excellent education through utilising the well-qualified teachers in order to foster in learners a desire to learn and to acquire academic skills.
- Provide a variety of different sport disciplines as well as cultural activities.
- Develop the human potential to the fullest by integrating and applying the necessary facilities.
- Assist the learners to develop in totality and to guide them to meet the challenges of adulthood responsibly.
At Parys High School we would like to follow our Christian religion and give vent to our principles but at the same time show respect to other religious groups. Our aim is to seek positive and constructive change so that all of us will be in a harmonious environment.
I promise:
- To be a loyal, conscientious learner of Parys High School.
- To always respect my teachers and superiors.
- To subject myself to the rules of the school.
- To be a good ambassador for my school at all times, inside or out.
- Never to bring dishonour to the name of my school by my behaviour.
- To always live according to the motto of my school “to each one his due.”